2024 Nursing Conference Grant Winning Essays
The questions for this year’s application cycle were as follows:
Please describe how you will share what you learn at this conference with colleagues.
How will you incorporate what you learn from this educational offering into your practice?
How will this conference advance your long-term career goals (beyond the attainment of continuing education hour requirements)?
Essays were lightly edited for grammar, flow, and readability.
Karlo Andal
Essay 1: These conferences will help us gain new knowledge and updated evidenced-based practices that are very essential specially in our facility. Working in a Rehab Facility, I noticed that we have the basic wound dressings and I think that we be able to go with the advancement of healthcare as well. Therefore, if given a chance, I will work with our education department and will make sure that wound care will be part of the orientation program for the newly hires and I will suggest to create different kinds of education materials that are accessible and within reach for both the healthcare workers and patients. Also, I will ask the Nursing department to put wound care management during our skills days so that it will continuously be reinforced to the mind of the staffs. I will coordinate to the wound care team on all the learning that I will get and to share it to all of my colleagues via our required online educations and face to face seminars wherein we can do lectures and return demonstrations. Lastly, I will be assertive to share these things to the corporate in order for them to have an idea on the equipment and supplies that will help not only the facility's budget but also to reduce the healthcare cost in the side of the patients will I hope will give them less burden to attain a win-win situations on both sides.
Essay 2: I am working in an In-Patient Rehabilitation Hospital wherein our focus is on getting back the strength of our patients. Little that everybody knows, these patients have either wounds during admissions or was acquired in the therapy sessions. Having knowledge on wound care will be both beneficials to my co-workers as well as the patient. Knowing what are the proper management specially on pressure injuries will reduce the cost of healthcare as well as will not prolong the hospitalization days of the patients. If I will be able to attend conferences, I will coordinate with our education and wound care department on giving lectures and seminars to all the staffs, both nursing and rehab. I will also share this knowledge to the corporate in order for us to provide the necessary materials and equipment specially nowadays that there are lot of advance researches and evidenced-based practices that are useful for treating wounds specially the complicated one. In addition to that, I will also work with the Nursing department to provide knowledge to the Therapy department, patients and family members as they are also part of the wholistic care. Lastly, the learning that I will acquire from these will be a great help on my development as nurse and to the career that I might build in future because I am planning to become a Wound Care Nurse.
Essay 3: I was a Wound Care Nurse for almost 7 years in my previous work in United Arab Emirates. All the time, I loved to help the patients and their families in dealing with wounds. I was able to attend different conferences in these field which were very useful specially in my area. These conferences will help me gain advance and up-to-date knowledge about wounds. If chances aid, I want to pursue studies and researches that are related to the latter. I am also planning to continue in becoming a Wound Care Nurse in the future. I am also planning to take Master's degree and to step into Nursing education where I can share all the experiences and knowledge that I gained to the future nurses. I also want to meet different people with the same passion and drive, just like me, when it comes wounds. These conferences that I might attend will help me boost lots of confidence to interacts with others and get out of my comfort zone. It will also give me motivations on pursuing the nursing career that I am choosing right know. It will give me a clear view on all the steps that I took since I started on this profession and hopefully on where I will be in the years to come.